Category Archives: Motor V. Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents

DOA due to Tractor Accident

José Geovanni Hidalgo, of 37 Years, expired while riding as a passenger in a large agricultural tractor.

Socorristas de Comandos de Salvamento y sus miembros de la Unidad de Rescate se desplazaron al kilómetro 39 sobre la carretera Troncal del Norte en la jurisdicción de El Paisnal, donde una persona perdió la vida en un accidente de tránsito.

The CDS rescue and extrication squad was dispatched to KM 39 near Troncal del Norte in El Paisnal where a person lost their life due to an MVA.

The tractor involved rolled over due to mechanical failures on the front end.

The victim was identified as José Geovanni Hidalgo, and another injured was 44yo  Edenilson Montufa Palacios.

 Medicina Legal forensics arrived for identification purposes.

Accidents Increase for 2017

Comandos de Salvamento supported various motorcyclists involved in MVAs this Friday. One of them was located at
el Bulevar Constitución y Calle San Antonio Abad.  The patient was 23yo Daniel García and was supported with basic first aid due to various upper body injuries. Another patient was attended near the parque centenario near the SITRAMSS along the Alameda Juan Pablo II when a pickup crossed the lane into a motorcycle. The driver, 25yo Wendy Hernández Guillen and her passenger on the moto suffered acute injuries and were immediately transported to higher level of care

Daniel García is supported by a Comando EMT-B. 
The scene at el Bulevar Constitución y Calle San Antonio Abad.
Motorcyclists are in grave danger if they do not drive defensively throughout San Salvador. .
Wendy Hernández is given emotional support at the social security hospital after enduring injuries .

The driver of the pickup on the Juan Pablo was arrested at the scene by the PNC..


Cerca de las ocho de la noche María Isabel Alvarenga, de 61 años, comerciante en pequeño fue atropellada por un automóvil sobre el Bulevar Venezuela y Bulevar del Ejército, cuando presuntamente a su vivienda después de celebrar su cumpleaños, según un familiar.

At around 8 in the evening, 61yo Maria Isabel Alvarenga, a small business owner was just about ready to celebrate her birthday on this December 8th when she was struck by a car while she was crossing the road.  The driver stayed in place taking responsibility.  She was immediately secured and transported by our personnel to Rosales Hospital but five minutes later expired.


María Isabel Alvarenga attended to by EMS.

Venezuela Blvd Accident leaves Two Injured

The Comandos Extrication Team attended the accident located in Barrio Lourdes.

The Urban Extrication Team was immediately dispatched to the Bulevar Venezuela when 73yo driver Alfredo Antonio Monzón Rodríguez crashed into another car.

He was extricated along with another person, 28yo Alejandra Ayala

Alfredo Antonio Monzón Rodríguez, de 73 is secured and prepared for transport.

The accident caused a large traffic backup, “trabazón”.

MCI Bus Accident

Ocho personas resultaron lesionadas al accidentarse dos unidades del transporte colectivo en esta capital, sobre la 15ª. Calle Oriente y la Avenida España.

8 people were injured during two bus accidents along the 15 calle Oriente and Ave. España. First Responders from Comandos secured and transported them to nearby hospitals. Victims included the following: Emelí Menjívar, de 3 años; Berta Alvarado, de 63; Jennifer Mata, de 21; Yolanda Arias, de 69; Rosmeri Vargas, de 33; Guadalupe Arias, de 38; Héctor González, de 38 y Lilian González, de 44.

Los socorristas de Comandos de Salvamento atendieron a las víctimas.
Socorristas auxilian a los heridos.
Los lesionados fueron llevados a diferentes centros asistenciales.
Un voluntarios de Comandos de Salvamento brinda asistencia pre hospitalaria a víctima del accidente.
Los ochos lesionados entre ellos una menor de edad fueron llevados a Hospitales.

Comandos Increase Resources for First Responder Need

Patient with possible fractured pelvis is attended to by CDS EMS first responder.

El alto nivel de delincuencia y los accidentes de tránsito son las emergencias que se atienden diariamente en Comandos de Salvamento. The high numbers of patients due to deliquency and Motor Vehicle Accidents are increasing every day. Gunshots, stabbings are an everyday occasion. Many patients every day are brought to hospitals by Salvadoran EMS services.

Motorcycle accidents have also increased due to unaware and sometimes disinterested drivers that do not care for those that ride on two wheels.  Comandos de Salvamento is one of many EMS teams throughout the country that are always on alert due to motor vehicle accidents, especially during times of rain and storms during rush hour traffic. CDS always recommends that traffic laws are obeyed and to yield to all motorcycle drivers in order to prevent tragedies.


Julio César Menjívar, of 37 years, trying to manage getting ran over by a vehicle near 50a. Ave. Nte. in San Salvador.
Julio César Mejívar, is packaged and secured.
An accident in Soyapango left one injured.
Comandos de Salvamento attends an MVA along the Carretera de Oro a la altura de Soyapango, where patient Gilberto de Jesús Cisneros, of 31 years of age, presented with many fractures.