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There are many Comandos that volunteer their time for the institution.   Other affiliate bases called “delegaciones” are spread throughout the rest of the country.


Affiliate bases:Delegación de Iberia (San Salvador)
Delegación de Tecoluca (San Vicente)
Delegación de Soyapango (San Salvador)
Delegación de Puerto Parada (Usulután)
Delegación de Apopa (San Salvador)
Delegación de Jucuapa (Usulután)
Delegación de Popotlán (San Salvador)
Delegación de Chinameca (San Miguel)
Delegación de Quezaltepeque (La Libertad)
Delegación de San Miguel
Delegación de Antiguo Cuscatlán (Nueva San Salvador, La Libertad)
Delegación de San Miguel Tepezontes (La Paz)
Delegación de San Diego (La Libertad)
Delegación de La Unión
Delegación de El Palmar (Santa Ana)
Delegación de Zacatecoluca (La Paz)
Delegación de San Antonio (Santa Ana)
Delegación de San Juan los Planes (San Salvador)
Delegación de Juayua (Sonsonate)
Delegación de Jayaque (La Libertad)
Delegación de Cabañas (Sensuntepeque)

lempaSeco, Wenatchee Social Worker Mark Hoffman, Rodriguez, and Navas in Bajo Lempa during flooding season 1999.

The National Comandos de Salvamento volunteers do not receive any salary, but what they do earn is a lot of experience in Prehospital care and training that can include First Aid, Preparation, Prevention, Evacuation in case of disasters, and High Mountain Rescue. Prerequisites to be a Comando de Salvamento Volunteer (National) Minimum age: 14 years. National Civilian Police background check. If younger than 18 years, one must present an identity carnet (DUI) and authorization from parents. To be a Volunteer Comando, one must have a good spirit to serve the Salvadoran Public, good human relation skills, and be able to offer his or her service that coincide with the schedule of the Institution. We have collaborated with many international institutions that send volunteers down such as People’s Norwegian Aid, medics from San Diego and Washington,and the sister’s of St. Joseph Peace. For you old Comando veterans that moved to the States, Canada, Spain,etc, C’mon down for some good times and catching up with old friends. For more information please contact the main base by email.

If you live outside of El Salvador please contact Marco Hoffman, our international representative. Minimum prereqs will include being at least 21 years of age and having passed a basic EMT-B course. We also accept any medics, firefighters, R.N.s, SAR, PCPs, P.A.C’s who want to volunteer. 

Salvadoran EMS, USAR and Community Health

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