Tag Archives: Disasters

Tropical Storm 🌀Imminent Danger

Tree removal on the roads.
Comandos de Salvamento collaborates in the removal of fallen trees.

Authorities of Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador have requested their volunteers to remain vigilant during this red alert declared by the General Directorate of Civil Protection as the rains will not disappear in the coming days due to the potential of Cyclone One, located in the Gulf of Mexico and generating humidity and rain in the country.

This puts vulnerable areas at risk, with landslides and rising rivers and streams due to water accumulation from previous days.

For this reason, Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador accompanies Civil Protection commissions to various communities to request at-risk individuals to evacuate to shelters that have been set up and are fully equipped.

This morning, Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador, in coordination with Civil Protection, evacuated some families living along the Acelhuate River in the Nuevo Israel Community sector in San Salvador.

Additionally, people were evacuated in Cantón Zapote Arriba, in Ayutuxtepeque, where they were taken to the shelter in Colonia Santísima Trinidad in Mejicanos.

The rescuers of Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador in Zacatecoluca took a dog and her puppies to a shelter in San Juan Nonualco.

Roberto Cruz, Executive Director of Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador, has requested his volunteers to take protective measures when entering high-risk areas and to ensure safety measures with electrical cables for the crews that cooperate in tree removals.

Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador provides its emergency number 2133-0000 to handle emergencies.

Dogs to the shelters.
They also deserve to go to safe places.
Some homes have been damaged during these rains.
Children to the shelters.
People from Cantón Zapote Arriba are being kept safe.
Authorities have set up shelters.
Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador collaborates in the preventive evacuation.


Alcalde de Nejapa, Adolfo Rivas Barrios,awarding equipment to our team.

Today the mayor of Nejapa honoed the work of all the volunteers of Comandos de Salvamento that took place when we helped recover victims from the landslide last October 29th 2020. This had taken place in the cantones of Los Angelitos 1 and 2 leaving in it’s destructive path 10 victims and one disappeared.

For the Mayor, Adolfo Rivas Barrios, the performance of each volunteer left evidence of the great love for others that these young people have, under the direction of Alex Torres,who worked 24 straight days during the operation.

It is worth mentioning that without resources or equipment, harder work was done to locate the bodies of the people who had been dragged by the landslide that left the two small villages desolate. It is admirable the effort that these young people gave by going through and looking for the body of Mr. Miguel Maldonado.

The Nejapa Municipal Council also donated rescue equipment, stretchers, ropes, shovels, picks and other implements, an economic incentive to 15 rescuers who day by day gave their time for the rescue work in the landslide.

15rescue worker volunteers received some economic assistance for their enduring work at the landslide.
Delegado Saul Torres y Director Ejecutivo Roberto Cruz offer their gratitude.
Nejapa mayor, Adolfo Rivas Barrios.


Around 14 were injured in the explosion.

Comandos de Salvamento of Santa Ana responded to an explosion caused by a propane tank at a local restaurant in the Santa Ana Market.

Hecho ocurrió esta mañana en el Mercado Municipal de Santa Ana, en la hora que decenas de personas realizaban sus compras para el mediodía, cuando se escuchó la detonación que voló techos y láminas de algunos puestos cercanos. The explosion blew the roof off other smaller businesses that were close. Many from the market fled  out of panic asking others to help with the injured.

Other EMS teams and the local Fire Dept. arrived on scene while the Comandos triaged the injury and transported most to the San Juan de Dios Hospital.


Comandos de Salvamento evacuate 20 people due to flooding.

Comandos de Salvamento y Policía Nacional Civil of  Tepecoyo, La Libertad, evacuated more than 20 people from  Cantón Los Alpes, Asentamiento EL Refugio due to heavy rains that have hit the area over the last couple of hours due to the tropical storms that have come up from Nicaragua. The elderly, women and children were taken to a makeshift shelter at the Tepecoyo school which local authorities had set up.

The National Emergency system contacted CDS volunteers and outlying bases to be on standby over the next few days.


Comandos de Salvamento of Alegría, were alerted about the high that caused damage to many houses in Barrio El Calvario and Caserío Potrerío, Cantón Quebracho, de Alegría, Departamento of Usulután

Fallen trees also block the highway from Alegria to Berlin and other neighborhood access roads. Comandos collaborated with Civil Municipal Protection teams to assist the public.

Comandos and USAR look for Possible Survivors


Although exhausted, Comandos who are part of El Salvador’s national USAR group are working night and day in Morelos, Mexico where there is the possibility of 4 survivors in a building.

They rest little, since time is pressed in order to recover the victims who are still under the collapsed building. The SAR group from El Salvador is assigned one of three levels where they can hear the voices of people trying to survive and will work throughout the night in order to rescue or recover them.

Jhony Ramos de Comandos de Salvamento trabajando en zona de desastre.
Miembros del Grupo USAR de El Salvador, en plena labor.
Grupo USAR El Salvador taking a break.
USAR pondering their approach.
The SAR group is working day and night to search for earthquake victims.