Category Archives: Affiliate Bases

Smaller CDS bases throughout the country.

Swift Water Rescue Practice

Veteran CDS Volunter Carlos Fuente was sent from the Central Base to Jiquilisqo Bajo Lempa to teach swift water rescue techniques to 20 delegate members of San Marcos and Bajo Lempa. Every fall, dams release built up water levels flooding communities below them.

International Representative Mark Hoffman is looking for donations for Rescue Throw bags wether new or used. Please contact him at marco @ if you or your organization would like to collaborate.

Credit Where Credit is Due

Manuel de Jesus Flores Ramirez is the CEO and founder of our delegate base in Puerto Parada located in Usulután. As of June 6th 2012, he will have served 20 years of service. The delegate base was founded in 1992 with the aim of serving the people of Puerto Parada and surrounding communities due to being an area vulnerable to flooding. In the past, Puerto Parada has been affected by Hurricane Mitch, Adrian, and Tropical Storms Ida, E-12, etc. El Salvador’ Ministry of Civil Protection has formally recognized the work of Manuel by awarding him a medal in October of 2010. Congratulations Manuel and all CDS unsung heroes of Puerto Parada. Foto: CDS