Category Archives: International

CDS Participates in Los Angeles Salvadoran Independence Parade

Miembros de la Misión Internacional y socorristas de Comandos de Salvamento de El Salvador, con sede en Los Ángeles, California.

With great pride in country and culture, an international delegation of Comandos traveled to Los Angeles to meet with other veteran Comandos in order to participate in the Salvadoran Independence parade along Hollywood Blvd. Participants from El Salvador included Efraín Solís, Rosa Arrué y Luis Colato. They met with Comandos rep William Ruiz in Los Angeles.

They were applauded by the Salvadoran community who recognize the great effort that young volunteers have provided for many years, in earthquakes, hurricane disasters, floods, traffic accidents and during the armed conflict where they were nominated as “Anonymous Heroes” by international organizations.

Comandos de Salvamento de El Salvador, encabezó el desfile de independencia en Los Ángeles.
William Ruiz, representante de la Misión Internacional.
Salvadoreños celebran la independencia patria.
Veteranos de Comandos de Salvamento de El Salvador, radicados en Los Ángeles, California forman parte de la Misión Internacional a cargo de William Ruiz.
Comandos de Salvamento de El Salvador fueron los encargados de portar la bandera salvadoreña.
Comandos de Salvamento de El Salvador mostraron el trabajo que realizan desde hace 62 años.




This past November, a group called the Successful Women “Mujeres Exitosas” of New York arrived to help some children in the Eastern part of the country and Comandos de Salvamento acted as the cultural bridge to help them. From that a relationship was born between lieutenant Juan Gutierrez and Captain Nelson Rivas of the New York World Fire Fighter Academy and Ramona Torres y Mayra Rivera,of Mujeres Exitosas.

This has resulted in the New York group to collaborate with the Mission of Comandos de Salvamento in possible future donations of an ambulance and rescue equipment for extrications.

CDS has offered support to El Salvador for over 60 years and looks forward to this new relationship.

Academia Mundial de Bomberos de Nueva York ayuda a Comandos de Salvamento de El Salvador.

Comandos and USAR look for Possible Survivors

Although exhausted, Comandos who are part of El Salvador’s national USAR group are working night and day in Morelos, Mexico where there is the possibility of 4 survivors in a building.

They rest little, since time is pressed in order to recover the victims who are still under the collapsed building. The SAR group from El Salvador is assigned one of three levels where they can hear the voices of people trying to survive and will work throughout the night in order to rescue or recover them.

Jhony Ramos de Comandos de Salvamento trabajando en zona de desastre.
Miembros del Grupo USAR de El Salvador, en plena labor.
Grupo USAR El Salvador taking a break.
USAR pondering their approach.
The SAR group is working day and night to search for earthquake victims.

Comandos Leave for Mexico

With their faith in God and the courage of a typical Comando this morning, a small contingent from our main base left this morning to Mexico City to join in on Search and Rescue/Recovery efforts already underway for the last 24 hours when the earthquake hit Tuesday September 19th.

Comando Veterans included Roberto Campos, Jhonny Edgar Ramos, Carlos Vásquez, Roberto Márquez, Josué Najarro and Edwin Portal. One by one they gathered their belongings and said goodbye to their families. One of their children wrote a message on a prominent social networking site, “We will pray that you return dad, you are an example to follow by dedicating your life to save others, I love you and await your return.”

This Wednesday afternoon, a second group of Comando volunteers will be sent to Mexico to help in recovery efforts.

Edgar Jhonny Ramos and the gang ready to part to Mexico.
Comandos de Salvamento have specialty trained brigades for rescue under collapsed structures.
The spirit of the CDS institution is very high.
Ready to help our Mexican brothers and sisters.
The first group of volunteers to be sent to Mexico, the 2nd, tomorrow.
Jhonny Ramos prepares his belongings.
Josué Najarro and Carlos Vásquez gear checking.
Off to the airport.
Grupo USAR ready to board the plane.

Comandos Head to Mexico due to Earthquake

Pictured are the El Salvador USAR team members in Ecuador during their recent Earthquake.

El Salvador’s USAR team which is composed of members from Comandos de Salvamento are heading to Mexico City in collaboration with other groups in order to help the public that were affected by two earthquakes.

These young volunteers have been specifically trained in the search, rescue and recovery operations and will be dispatched in a few hours in order to help our Mexican brothers and sisters that have been affected by three earthquakes within the span of one month. More than 100 have been killed or disappeared.

Members of Comandos de Salvamento during the trudged in Ecuador.
Today, various people have gone missing amongst the debris.
7.1 richter scale of destruction today in Mexico City.