This post is also available in: Spanish
The Comandos have decided to convert their website to a blog via wordpress.
We are continuing to work on the design.
This post is also available in: Spanish
The Comandos have decided to convert their website to a blog via wordpress.
We are continuing to work on the design.
© 1999-2025 Comandos de Salvamento Derechos Reservados/All Rights Reserved/Alle Rettigheter Reservert
Esta super!
It is Super!
Marko, esta mas que excelente la pagina lo cual motiva a todos nuestros voluntarios a segir en la lucha de “Salvaguardar las vidas de las personas que se encuentren en peligro.
Marko, excellent site and it motivates our volunteers to excel in order to save all those that are in danger or risk”
Felicidades por lo menos se ve que la pagina ya esta mejor y actualizada solo que hay que pedir buenas fotos del trabajo que desarrollamos las filiales saludos desde la base de nejapa.
Congratulations, at least the site is looking better and updated, but we need more good fotos of the work that the smaller bases do. Greetings, from Nejapa base of CDS.