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With recognition of 41 years of service and humanitarian work the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador gave CDS a certificate of recognition for their service to Salvadoran society during different times of national emergency. The recognition was received by CDS executive director Roberto Orlando Cruz, who thanked the Assembly for the award given.
He stated, “We are pleased for this recognition of our work and for several decades serving for the good of the people, some 41 years of sacrifice that now is showing it’s fruit“. He also thanked the Prime Authority of the State for aid provided to them for the last three years; a special budget allocation used for the operational side of CDS, 70% is used in rescue work and other for medical uses of the institution. This is an incentive to the volunteers who risk their lives every day for another Salvadoran.
Salvadoran deputy Isolina Marin, who is coordinating the work at CDS Ilopango applauded the work CDS does for society by stating, “It is admirable the work that these brothers and sisters are doing, by putting aside color, race and social difference to ensure the welfare of everyone in all circumstances, I give you my full admiration“.
Likewise, the deputy said that those who serve in CDS deserve respect from all of society because, “there is no other work better than to serve your fellow man. They are an example of humanity”.
As a special event, Deputies held a minute of silence to honor the members of Comandos de Salvamento who have died in rescue efforts, L.O.D.D’s Line of Duty Deaths.
Please take a moment yourself and see here a list of those sacrafices.