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Students from the University José Matias Delgado in San Salvador have recently offered the idea of a having a puppy as a Mascot representing the Comandos de Salvamento (image above). Students that offered the idea state that they chose a dog since it stands for faithfulness, agility, smart, friendly, and is used during search and recovery operations. What is your opinion? Please comment on this post. Are you in agreement of having this puppy, nicknamed, “Comandín” by the students as being our mascot?
We ask EMTs, delegates, professionals, friends and visitors to participate in offering comments.
Me gusta mucho la idea de una mascota, mas sin embargo la mascota escogida por los estudiantes me parece muy “cartunezca”. Los comandos necesitan una figura mas seria y menos infantil. Halago la idea y me parece muy inteligente ya que la institucion nunca ha contado con una mascota.
I kinda like the idea of a mascot, but however, this mascot chosen by these students appears really “cartoony”. The Comandos need a more serious and less infantile symbol. I find the Comandos to be intelligent by choosing never to have a mascot for the institution.
Ay Dios acabo de echar unas gran carcajadas de ver eso. Yo recuerdo los chuchitos Tango y Cash de verdad en la base central en 98. Mascotas de verdad, damos a comer a ellos tortillas con frijol creo.
si pero cosa seria,
En mi opinión, los Comandos merece un estudiante de diseño gráfico que de verdad puede hacer un caricatura de bueno y un poco mas serio. No se si los comandos deben andar el broche de Comandin cuando estan rescatando cadáveres con familiares alrededor. Si queremos mantener una figura profesional, se tiene que cuidar la entidad de los comandos.
Este chucho parece snoopi.
¿Cual sea el propósito de Comandin? Si se trata de utilizar la “mascota” en caricaturas educativas de primeros auxilios estilo grupo maíz, o venderlo en un calendario durante Navidad supongo que esta bien.
Comandin, de ser simbolo numero uno de Comandos no debe ser en mi opinión y estoy de acuerdo con Miguel de Leon.
Oh boy, I bout laughed my ass off on this one. I remember the real mascot dogs Tango and Cash at Base Central in 98. I think we fed them tortillas and beans.
Seriously, imho, the Comandos deserve a graphic design student that is actually good and more serious symbol. What;-Are the commandos to wear the Comandin patch as they are rescuing cadavers with family members of the deceased around them? I don’t think so. If we want to maintain our professionalism we need to protect the image of Comandos.
This mutt looks like Snoopy.
What is Comandins purpose? If the mascot were used in educative cartoons about first aid, or used on a calendar to sell at Christmas like Grupo Maiz does-I suppose that would be fine. But Comandin being the number one symbol of Comandos should not go through. I am in agreement with Miguel de Leon.
Cuando la institución tenga un perro de rescate tal vez esta caricatura se le pueda
pegar en la jaula donde se traslada el perro.
Hay que cuidar la identidad de la institución tanto en sus logos que se portan en uniformes como el color de sus ambulancias
Comparto las opiniones de Marco y de Carlos de Leon.
“When the institution obtains a search and rescue dog perhaps this drawing can be put on the wall where the dog is kept.
One has to care for the identity of the institution, from the emblems of the uniforms, to the color of the ambulances.
I agree with the opinions of Marco and Carlos de Leon.”