Comandos Siempre los Primeros

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Troncal Accidente: Comandos de Salvamento

The Emergency Unit of Rosales National Hospital released a report on emergencies attended by Salvadoran EMS crews. A total of 1,660 emergencies were documented between July and December 2009. Of them, 476 were attended to by CDS, 387 by the Red Cross, 515 by the National Civilian Police, 139 by the Green Cross, and others by various groups and individuals. This report demonstrates the responsiveness of CDS during EMS and Rescue runs. The following photo essay shows CDS EMS crews helping young patients that are trapped in their vehicle last week on the infamous “Troncal del Norte” that heads north out of San Salvador. Images courtesy of  La Prensa Gráfica Photo Credit: Francisco Alemán

2 thoughts on “Comandos Siempre los Primeros”

  1. Es relativamente cierto un que son los primeros en llegar y los últimos en irse así como es el dicho famoso no son seleccionativos como otras instituciones de socorro. Los felicito por su ardua labor voluntaria dedicar su tiempo a las personas que mas lo necesitan aun a pesar de que unos dejan a familias completas por una noche sin verlos o descuidados y otros otras responsabilidades.

    Ala vez felicitarlos por estar atentos alas emergencias tanto nacionales como internacionales desgraciadamente siempre tiene que haber algo que les impide desempeñar su labor y dar a demostrar su capacidad y mas que todo ayudar al prójimo tal ejemplo como el terremoto en Haití. Felicidades y animo sigan adelante que Dios y la virgen los llevan de su mano y protegidos ante cualquier situación.

    It’s true that that you all are the first to arrive and the last to leave, and as the saying goes you are not “selective” like other EMS organizations. Congratulations for your arduous volunteer service, dedicating your time to those in need even though your families are sometimes left for a whole night without seeing you due to these responsibilities.

    Thank you also for being attentive to the national and international community.

    Too bad there be things that can hinder your service. You care for your fellow man -like the Haiti earthquake. Congratulations and I encourage CDS to go forward, and May God and the Virgin take you into their hands and protect you all in whatever situation.

  2. Lo sigo sosteniendo que gracias a las constantes capacitaciones tanto en la area prehospitaliria como en la de rescate esta dando buenas frutas.
    No contamos con un jugoso presupuesto ni con ambulancias de lujo pero contamos con algo muy especial que es espíritu de servicio ,que se un don que DIOS regala al ser humano, y en la familia de comandos de salvamento estamos bendecidos,agradezco a DIOS por permitirme compartir el lado humano, social y espiritual de es gran familia.Felicidades

    I still believe that thanks to consistent training in prehospital care, SAR, and extrications is paying off. We don’t count on a huge budget nor fancy ambulances, so what we rely on is something very special – this is called the spirit of human service, which is a gift from God given to individuals. In our family of CDS, we are blessed and I thank God for allowing me to share my time with what is the great social and sprititual family of CDS.
    sincerely, leader of CDS Rescue and Recovery Unit

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