Category Archives: First Aid

EMS HealthCare

Tropical Storm 🌀Imminent Danger

Tree removal on the roads.
Comandos de Salvamento collaborates in the removal of fallen trees.

Authorities of Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador have requested their volunteers to remain vigilant during this red alert declared by the General Directorate of Civil Protection as the rains will not disappear in the coming days due to the potential of Cyclone One, located in the Gulf of Mexico and generating humidity and rain in the country.

This puts vulnerable areas at risk, with landslides and rising rivers and streams due to water accumulation from previous days.

For this reason, Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador accompanies Civil Protection commissions to various communities to request at-risk individuals to evacuate to shelters that have been set up and are fully equipped.

This morning, Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador, in coordination with Civil Protection, evacuated some families living along the Acelhuate River in the Nuevo Israel Community sector in San Salvador.

Additionally, people were evacuated in Cantón Zapote Arriba, in Ayutuxtepeque, where they were taken to the shelter in Colonia Santísima Trinidad in Mejicanos.

The rescuers of Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador in Zacatecoluca took a dog and her puppies to a shelter in San Juan Nonualco.

Roberto Cruz, Executive Director of Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador, has requested his volunteers to take protective measures when entering high-risk areas and to ensure safety measures with electrical cables for the crews that cooperate in tree removals.

Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador provides its emergency number 2133-0000 to handle emergencies.

Dogs to the shelters.
They also deserve to go to safe places.
Some homes have been damaged during these rains.
Children to the shelters.
People from Cantón Zapote Arriba are being kept safe.
Authorities have set up shelters.
Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador collaborates in the preventive evacuation.

PanAmerican Highway MVA

Patient being extricated by our staff. .

Volunteers from Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador, Ilopango section, along with other first response institutions, respond to a traffic accident that occurred early Wednesday morning on the Pan-American Highway at kilometer 25.

Around three in the morning, the rescuers from Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador arrived at the scene and found a man trapped inside his vehicle, which had collided with one of the trees in the median of the highway, with the cause of the accident unknown.

The victim, identified as Will Alfredo Astovio, 55 years old, was traveling from West to East on the Pan-American Highway when the accident occurred, with him being the only occupant of the vehicle.

The rescuers from Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador managed to free the victim, who had suffered multiple injuries, and he was subsequently taken to a medical center.

After impacting a tree, Comandos de Salvamento and Green Cross supporting the patient. 


Comandos de Salvamento supporting the patient. .

Rescuers from Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador attended to an injured person during a brawl that erupted over a plate of food in the vicinity of Parque Libertad, in San Salvador.

According to reports, a person who apparently has mental health issues was having lunch when Luis Ernesto Rivera, 51 years old, in an argument, threw the plate of food at him and was subsequently attacked with a branch, causing injuries to his skull.

The volunteers from Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador arrived at the scene of the incident and stabilized Luis Ernesto Rivera, whom they later transferred to Fosalud de San Jacinto for medical assistance.

According to authorities, the aggressor was apprehended by the National Civil Police.

This is the second case reported in the capital city that resulted in injuries. Yesterday, two people were injured with a knife in another brawl.

PNC detained the aggressor.


Rescuers from Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador assist an injured person.

Two women, traveling with other colleagues from a telephone company, suffered injuries in different parts of their bodies after being trapped among the twisted iron of the vehicle they were traveling in with 5 other people, following a collision with the rear of a microbus unloading passengers.

This incident occurred around eight in the morning on the Army Boulevard at kilometer 9 near the Social Security Institute of Ilopango.

According to the report, the driver of the unit transporting employees of the telephone company failed to stop and collided with the rear of the microbus unloading passengers in the area.

Units from Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador, using hydraulic equipment, managed to free the women who were traveling in the front seat alongside the driver, who was unharmed. The first victims who were traveling in the back of the telephone unit were assisted by a Social Security ambulance passing through the accident site.

The women who were trapped were identified as Alexandra Palacios, 27, and Jaquelin Navas, 20, both promoters, and were admitted to the Social Security Institute of Ilopango.

Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador transports one of the two trapped women.


PNC agents arrived at the scene of the incident.

Late in the evening, Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador assisted two people who suffered stab wounds after being involved in a brawl that left more injured, with the exact number unknown.

The incident took place on 1st East Street and Monseñor Óscar Arnulfo Romero Avenue in San Salvador, around three this afternoon. Volunteers from Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador were alerted, as were authorities from the National Civil Police who arrived at the scene of the incident.

Two of the stab wound victims were identified as Samuel Alexander López Lucero, 38 years old, and Roberto Antonio Chávez Morales, 42 years old. Both were stabilized and subsequently taken to a medical center.

Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador does not know the exact number of injured, nor what caused the brawl among the individuals.

Rescuers stabilize one of the victims before being taken to a hospital.
The brawl leaves two injured persons attended by Comandos de Salvamento of El Salvador.