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Alcalde de Nejapa, Adolfo Rivas Barrios,awarding equipment to our team.

Today the mayor of Nejapa honoed the work of all the volunteers of Comandos de Salvamento that took place when we helped recover victims from the landslide last October 29th 2020. This had taken place in the cantones of Los Angelitos 1 and 2 leaving in it’s destructive path 10 victims and one disappeared.

For the Mayor, Adolfo Rivas Barrios, the performance of each volunteer left evidence of the great love for others that these young people have, under the direction of Alex Torres,who worked 24 straight days during the operation.

It is worth mentioning that without resources or equipment, harder work was done to locate the bodies of the people who had been dragged by the landslide that left the two small villages desolate. It is admirable the effort that these young people gave by going through and looking for the body of Mr. Miguel Maldonado.

The Nejapa Municipal Council also donated rescue equipment, stretchers, ropes, shovels, picks and other implements, an economic incentive to 15 rescuers who day by day gave their time for the rescue work in the landslide.

15rescue worker volunteers received some economic assistance for their enduring work at the landslide.
Delegado Saul Torres y Director Ejecutivo Roberto Cruz offer their gratitude.
Nejapa mayor, Adolfo Rivas Barrios.

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