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MVAs continue to increase this month and this last Friday there was a Multi Casualty Incident that involved 10 people with various levels of injuries. A semi truck traveling near the Gloria residence at the Integracion overpass ran into 6 other vehicles at high speed.
La noche del viernes un aparatoso accidente dejó cerca de diez personas con serias lesiones, cuando un camión sufrió desperfectos mecánicos cuando transitaba sobre la carretera que de la residencial La Gloria lleva al Redondel Integración, llevándose 6 automotores más.
The following patients were attended to: Daniela Elizabeth Quintanilla, de 19, Keny Josué Morales, de 26, Héctor Rodolfo Guerrero, de 19, Edwin Ricardo Mendoza, de 20, Blanca García, de 9, José García, de , Marlene Elizabeth, de 30 and Yeanka Alejandra, de 9. All were transported to Hospital Zacamil.